Over the years, having reviewed the expenses of medical and dental offices, there has been one expense item that I often thought warranted special attention. The telephone bill. Especially wireless plans. From personal experience, I know that if I stop in to see or call my wireless provider once a year they will find savings […]
4 Ways to Make A Great First Impression with New Patients
A popular adage goes, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” First impressions matter. They create a perception that’s not easily changed. Considering this fact, how can your practice make a great first impression with new patients? A new patient’s first visit to your practice is a delicate situation. Why? Because […]
Helpful Strategies to Reduce No Show Rates
The problem with patients missing a scheduled appointment is not a new issue for medical and dental offices. In fact, some data suggest that it may be on the rise. In this post, we’ll review some helpful strategies to reduce no show rates. Get to know your patients You can’t manage what you do not […]
Cash Controls for a Medical or Dental Office
Cash controls in your office involve the proper use of several rather simple bookkeeping systems. But if they’re not done consistently, it opens up the door for employee embezzlement. Check Signatures Only the physician or dentist should have signature privileges. And by all means, do not allow your personnel to use a signature stamp. Although […]
How to Protect Your Personal Assets from the Business
Many dental and medical practices protect their personal assets by operating as a corporation or as a limited liability company. Running your business as a corporation or a limited liability company can protect your home, your car, and your savings from being seized to pay for business debts. All that’s at risk is the money […]
7 Steps On How to Build a Marketing Plan for your Practice
Do you have a marketing plan for your practice? John Jantch small business marketing expert and author of Duct Tape Marketing, developed 7 steps to create the Ultimate Marketing System. In this post, we share John’s 7 steps to help you build a marketing plan for your practice. 1. Narrow your focus You can’t build […]