It was in the month of March that our world in business started to turn upside down and change from the daily routines of which we had been accustomed.
Today we remain in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Our governor has issued executive orders that require businesses to shut down and send their employees home. Our kids are home on account of closed schools and universities. Instead of being with friends on the weekend, we’re at home enjoying a home-cooked meal or maybe a frozen pizza. People across the country are working remotely, and being laid off at the same time. Families are doing puzzles, playing games, and watching old family videos to keep spirits up.
We find ourselves in a time of social distancing. And yet, it is also a time of coming together. Coming together to work and help one another. Churches are meeting on video conferencing apps. Neighbors are reaching out to bring neighborhoods together – well, at least six feet apart. Teachers are creating online lesson plans to keep their students engaged. Our government, that has been separated in so many ways, seems to be working together for the first time in a long time.
These are crazy times. These are unusual times. These are uncertain times.
It’s in times like these that we have to stay calm and provide hope to our children, grandchildren, friends, and family members.
How do you do that? You don’t fear. You don’t panic. You don’t dwell on the news. You look to the promises of the future. You adopt a sense of gratitude. You hold on to humor and laugh a little. You enjoy life for who you are with rather than what you have.
Why? Because life is too short to live any other way.
Over the past several weeks we have been helping gather information and providing steps to help clients and their employees obtain financial relief through what we affectionately call “COVID-19 funds.”
We’ve given clients advice through our COVID-19 Disaster Response for Healthcare Clients document, our Client Resources website, Client Practice Portals, and a host of emails and webinars. All of which have helped position clients in a better place today.
Utilizing new technology and putting our “tax season” on hold to help you during this pandemic has been most satisfying. It is tiring for sure, but to know that we are helping you and receiving your words of encouragement has been very rewarding to my team that is working hard to serve you.
Business as usual has taken on new meaning and new practices. Some of the new practices that we are all learning will remain with us and become a new standard on how we work in the future.
How we suggest positioning your practice may also change. Our shared benchmarks on the cash position of your business, for instance, will likely change on account of the current situation. Cash has been an important benchmark that we have focused on over the many years of providing comments that accompany your financial statements. In today’s environment, the reason for our focus may be more clearly understood.
In the coming months and years ahead, we know that there may be new challenges. But these challenges will not distract us from our focus of helping you as best we can and looking for ways to become better.
Each day brings about some change, but much of what we do is the same – we continue to work on our commitment to you.
We appreciate your business and trust in us.
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